Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Weird Weather

Wow the weather around here is weird. Yesterday it was nice and sunny, almost getting up to 70 degrees. Now today I wake up to grey skies and snow on the ground. Then the snow starts melting so it starts hailing. After the hail, the skies clear up and the wind starts. A crazy wind, one that blows so hard you think it'll blow you away. The wind's still here, a never ending, annoying wind.

Life's like that sometimes. You go through days where everything's sunny, there's no wind or rain. The babies breathe fine and the mom has no complications. Then everything turns on a dime and the hail starts. And you just hope that all of your preparation and learning kicks in and you make it through. I like the sunny days of life, but it takes a day full of hail to remind you why you can't stop learning. I thought all of the classes and tests were over when I graduated. Now I know that the tests that matter in life are just beginning.


Kirsten said...

um.... that was deep. I really liked it... but now I am speechless and have the urge to run through a grassy field. Your great!

Christine said...

Wow, I didn't mean to be so deep. It always helps to come home from a bad night, have been up for more than 24hrs and decide you need to write in your blog :-) Can't take it back now. I promise to be not so dismal next time.